Grant Application
The Kinderhaven Foundation Grant Application will be live on January 1st and will be linked below.
Here is an overview of the questions on the application:
Kinderhaven Foundation Grant Application 2024 Question Overview
Applicant Information
Organization Name:
Grant Requestor Name:
Grant Requestor or Organization Email:
Grant Requestor or Organization Phone Number:
Are you a 501(c)3?
If you answered yes on the previous question, what is the EIN number? (Please type n/a if not available)
Please tell us about your organization, including (but not limited to) the purpose or mission, number of years in service, and any relevant information our board should know.
Summary of Grant request in 100 words or less:
Total Amount Requested:
Project purpose and goals:
Please enter specific budget information, costs and links to any items requested. You must also email an itemized budget to as a spreadsheet.
Describe the implementation plan and timeline for assessing and evaluating the project’s success in meeting its goals.